AdSapient Ad Serving Solutions
AdSapient Moves Ahead Toward More Functionality and Power with Version 1.8
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   New version of AdSapient enables the user to create dynamic, automatically updated banners based on XML format with the implementation of XSLT transformation sheets for making different design presentations of the same banner content, and is equipped with a special plug-in to extract similar data from any back-end banner storage - all this being a step to a new quality level of online ad management.

July 8, 2005 - AdSapient Inc. announces the release of AdSapient Ad Network version 1.8. - a full fledged 3rd generation server designed to offer greater scope, breadth and flexibility of "web publisher - advertiser" interactive work and provide powerful solutions for online ad management.

The major update in the version 1.8 includes the possibility to create "XML banners", in which the modification of dynamically changing text and media information will be carried out automatically with the help of a special plug-in so that the banner content is always up-to-date (price, description, date etc.). Plug-in will automatically deactivate banners in case the underlying data are not available in the database any longer.

In addition such a plugin-based structure makes it possible to specify banner's content based on visitor's location and other dynamic parameters (eg. changing the price based on location), and smartly handles images that belong to different offers thus automating banner creation process.

"This tool, provided by the new version of AdSapient is unrivalled in the web advertising industry. With it we bring in a completely new way of creating banners so important for advertising numerous products such as tour or real estate offers, resumes from dating sites, goods from e-shops, etc. without constantly updating their availability, price and other dynamic data. The plugin we have written for extracting XML descriptions from a remote database does that and much more for any backend-based banner storage. More than that it is now possible to present the same banner data using different design templates (with the help of XSLT transformation sheets). " - claimed AdSapient Product Manager Vitaly Sazanovich.

Among other updates added to the system the following ones are worth pointing out:

  • More detailed and vivid reporting system (daily advertising and publishing reports, use of diagrams in general reports) secures the users' awareness of the campaign results;
  • Advanced targeting and campaign setup;
  • New customization options and advanced options for creating numerous banner design templates contribute to smoother coopertaion between users;
  • Post-click tracking of leads and sales for better conversion reporting.

Alongside with the innovations added, the software retained all the tools of the previous versions:

  • Multiuser ad management system with user-friendly web-based interface;
  • Various user roles: advertiser, publisher, advertiser + publisher, administrator;
  • Revenue - oriented system design and logic;
  • All media formats support;
  • Flexible campaign scheduling;
  • Simultaneous multisession browsing.

More information on the AdSapient 1.8 version can be found at

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